Jesus promised that those who truly believe in and follow him will enjoy eternal peace with him in God’s heavenly kingdom. But he didn’t promise a path of lollipops and gumdrops along the way. Jesus-followers often find themselves in uncomfortable or challenging situations. Sometimes it is in those exact situations that we can feel Jesus moving even closer. Let’s explore … More

Ahhhh, it’s fall, y’all! I love the month of October when the temperatures really do start to drop and we begin carving pumpkins and going on hay rides. I love all things fall! The thing I love about fall the most is that it’s campfire season. I love watching the flames as I am reminded that God is light! Let’s … More


October 1, 2023

We have been following Jesus all over the place for the past few weeks. Where’s Jesus? Everywhere it seems! But this week when we catch up with him he seems to be in LaLaLand! He is going on and on about not having any worries. Are you kidding me, Jesus? Have you seen my house? Met my kid? Taken a … More

Martha’s House

September 24, 2023

This week we catch up with Jesus at Martha’s house. Her hospitality warmly welcomes him into her home but she quickly seems distracted by her many tasks. Eventually, her busy hustle seems to frustrate her relationship with her sister Mary and even with Jesus. Have the demands of ministry or even life ever gotten in the way of your relationship … More

Children’s Chat

September 17, 2023

Jesus’ fame and popularity spread quickly, and everyone wanted to meet him, including the youngest of folks. What happens when Jesus becomes the center of children’s attention? How does he handle the Children’s Chat portion of his ministry? Jesus should be our honored and revered Savior and King, not a childlike friend…right?