Vista Ridge Youth Ministry
Youth Connect – Middle and Senior High Youth meets on Sundays from 1-3 p.m.
Our student ministry, 6th-12th graders, exists to reach students, to connect them in loving relationships with God and other Christians, to help them grow in their faith, to challenge all to discover servant leadership and honor God with their life.
Sunday Morning Classes
Senior High youth (9th-12 graders) and their parents are invited to participate in the same class together! We see this as a valuable time for parents and youth to build relationships with one another while growing in their understanding of scripture. Come check out Vista Forum at 9:45 am Sundays in Wesley Hall South.
Middle School youth (6th-8th graders) meet at 9:45 am in Portable 2.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation is a rite of passage which is designed to help 6th and 7th graders make an informed decision to claim the name Christian as well as United Methodist. It is an opportunity for them to acknowledge their faith and relationship with God. Being true to their baptismal covenant, it is designed to be only a part of a life-long process of spiritual growth and development.
Our Confirmation porgram includes retreats to provide a concentrated time away from daily routines for learning and development. Retreats build community. They reinforce the idea that Confirmation is a special process, important enough to focus on without distractions.
Each retreat focuses on core areas of the curriculum and offers opportunities for youth to experience church outside of the building. Relationships between the confirmands themselves and the other middle school youth will begin to form. All participants will develop a clearer picture of the journey on which they have embarked.
At the conclusion of the Confirmation class, all students will be brought before the congregation and confirmed as full members of Vista Ridge and The United Methodist Church.
If you have a youth who is in this age group and has not gone through confirmation, please contact the Youth Pastor at 972.315.5225.