Annual Giving Opportunity

Vista Ridge United Methodist is a church grounded in generosity. Our congregation listens intently to the cries of those in need and responds in ways that strengthen our connectional foundation as the body of Christ.

As we Step into the Story, may our plans for 2024 be grounded in the biblical story we have submersed ourselves in this year as we have read through the entire Bible, together.

Please pray how you can support the ministries of Vista Ridge UMC during 2024 through your Estimate of Giving. Our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness will turn the next page of the unfolding story of God’s love for the world.

Estimate of Giving Card

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Christian faith continually points us to love God and love our neighbor. Our faith journey, while it is life-giving to us, is not about us. Giving as a spiritual discipline helps you learn to rely on and trust God. Similarly, it helps us move away from self-centeredness to thinking about and caring for others. Giving requires intentionality and self-sacrifice.

Commitment Card

Please complete the Commitment Card to make a pledge.

Estimate of Giving Card